Our Services
The software used in calculations and all design processes is at a level that has proven itself and is trusted by professional designers. In addition to current CAD software, we carry out form optimization studies with DELFTSHIP Modeler, Siemens SOLID EDGE Pro, Siemens STAR CCM+ and depending on needs, other popular software options, which are among the most popular in the market.
We perform all basic engineering calculations with DELFTSHIP Professional, with the highest level of precision.
We carry out computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis studies with Siemens NASTRAN, Siemens STAR CCM+ and other equivalent powerful softwares, which is an indispensable program for research centers. We use Siemens SOLID EDGE Professional in modeling the 3D ship structural elements used in these calculations.
Our work covers form optimization and 3D surface modeling, theoretical, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) calculations for over 120 ships, as listed below :
Preliminary and final intact & damaged stability (Probabilistic and Deterministic)
Longitudinal strength – Shear forces and Bending Moments
Speed & Power calculations
Freeboard and Tonnage
Deadweight scale
Ship hydrostatics
Tank soundings
Launching (40+ ships)
Hydrodynamic analysis
Ship vibration and noise analysis
Structural stress analysis
Free-free modal analysis
Pre-stressed modal analysis in water